Steps to thrifting. Saving money and still looking good.

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Ok. Get this, everybody thrifts now our days. Most people don’t even go for branded clothes again as thrifting is cheaper and sometimes helps you find what you’re really after. Below are some steps to take when thrifting.


 1. Know your niche or rather aesthetic.

Know your style. Have a sense of how you dress and know the clothes that make YOU feel comfortable. It’s a lot easier and more fun thrifting then. Personally, when thrifting it’s easier to just imagine me in the clothes I pick and ways to style them together and then I get all excited to wear them.

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 2. Keep an open mind when thrifting.

Don’t go with a particular shirt or pants in mind. Sometimes what you find in the thrift store can surprise you. I’ve had expectations when thrifting and I came out woth things I never knew I needed but ended up loving anyway. So when you go looking for those bell bottom jeans and see that corduroy sweater instead, don’t be afraid to take it.

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3. This is the last and final step.

Budget but don’t limit yourself. When you go shopping and you find out that you’re things are a little bit over your budget and it’s something you really want, be ready to squeeze in a little for that item or you can drop those pants you didn’t really like but just wanted to go with anyways.

Photo Credit Pinterest 

By Julius Jiaga

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