How To Use Careprost Eyelash Serum?

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The Careprost product is designed to strengthen the growth of the eyebrows and eyelashes. Careprost does not have an instant result of the action. The drug is gently applied along the line of eyelash growth. It is applied daily for 2-3 months. After you achieve the desired effect you need to continue the supporting procedure (the product should be used two to three times a week). More frequent using of Careprost will not cause a greater effect. We will teach you how to use Careprost in the right way and dispel the myths about some side effects that arise from improper use, like in any case of cosmetic products.

Contraindications: is not recommended for children under 18, after eye surgery, during pregnancy, and lactation.

  • Preliminary stage. The face is cleaned, and makeup and contact lenses need to be removed.
  • Apply Careprost to the tip of the brush. The brush is held horizontally.

Сareprost is applied to the upper eyelid only at the roots of the eyelashes. The drug should not be applied to the line of growth of the lower lid. It is also important not to allow the medicine to enter the area of the skin, where hair growth is undesirable.

At the end of an application, the excess amount of the product is removed with a cotton pad. To apply Careprost to the roots of another eye’s eyelashes the entire procedure is repeated. You must not have the brush touching other objects. If this rule is neglected, there is a risk to bring an infection.

After you stop using the remedy, after a certain period of time, the lashes will return the same appearance as before applying Careprost (without deteriorating the structure).

Prolonged eyelashes, deep and shady color, natural and native appearance… If you decided to make your winkers look like that, you just need Careprost and a couple of weeks. Stop wasting your time, money, and efforts to buy low-quality cosmetics or fake eye winkers, laying tons of mascara on them. The treatment with the formula solves such problems as:

  • damaged growth and unhealthy look;
  • hypotrichosis;
  • loss of eyelashes and their weakness;
  • excessive intraocular pressure in glaucoma.

Is the product safe?

Totally. Its natural formula with Bimatoprost stimulates native growth and normalizes its cycle. It turns them darker and longer so that they are natural and beautiful. The regular and proper appliance of the ophthalmic solution makes your eyes and lashes look irreproachable! Moreover, the solution is also implemented to lower the intraocular pressure in glaucoma. So it has two effects simultaneously without any risk. Now forget about weak, colorless, broken, and damaged eyelashes.

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How to use Careprost?

Achieve the beauty of your lashes in a simple way: apply the cosmetic product on the upper lash line regularly. In certain weeks, they will be significantly longer and healthier. The only condition is the regularity. As you can see, using the cosmetic drug isn’t complicated. When the growth process is restored, the color of your eye winkers gets darker and more saturated. Be ready to look at yourself in a mirror and see the wanted result – prolonged eyelashes with healthy and deep color. Thanks to this component it is simple to treat your eye winkers without any medical procedures or drugs. Stop worrying about the effect of your lashes and shift from these worries to a confident and irreproachable glance! Buy Careprost using one of the payment methods either online or not and experience the effectiveness of the ophthalmic solution.

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