How to Close Open Skin Pores Naturally?

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You are tired of using a variety of chemical products! Here you’re going to get the amazing tips and natural home remedies that you can use comfortably with no side effects. Here are the simplest and cheapest home remedies you can use for closing open skin pores.


Banana Peel

How to Close Open Skin Pores Banana

Banana is full of potassium and is considered to be the best source of completing the lack of iron inside the body. Banana is equally beneficial inside and outside the body.

Peels are hugely beneficial. They aren’t given as much importance as they should be. Sadly! their place is always in the basket. BUT BUT BUT you can tighten your facial skin and fade scars at the same time with the help of a banana peel only.

How to use:

Take a banana peel. Sprinkle a pinch of turmeric inside the peel. Now rub this side on your face very well. Leave it until your skin starts feeling extremely dry and wash your face with normal tap water.

Use a good face wash afterward because turmeric doesn’t leave the yellowish color easily.

Use this remedy thrice a week till banana season.

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This remedy is highly suitable for oily skin


Multani Mitti


How to Close Open Skin Pores Multani Mitti

Multani Mitti aka Fuller’s Earth works wonders in closing your large open pores. No matter what age you have. Multani Mitti is an all-in-one solution for most of your common skin issues. It not only closes your open skin pores but also cures sun tan, scars, and acne. So you can use it confidently and can see the magic in a few days.

How to use:

Take 1½ tbsp. Of Multani Mitti. Add some rose water or simply some fresh water to make a paste-like consistency. Apply this on your face very well. Let it dry completely for about 15-20 minutes. Rinse it off with fresh water then. You can see the visible results in one use only.

This remedy can be used twice or thrice a week for better and long-lasting results.

This ingredient is suitable for normal skin.


Tomato juice


How to Close Open Skin Pores Tomato Juice

Your refrigerator always has fresh tomatoes right? You can’t make your daily lunch without tomatoes. So here is the easiest authentic and 100% guaranteed results remedy.

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How to use:

Take a fresh tomato. Cut it into slices. Squeeze out its juice at its best.

You can use this juice as it is or you can add some rose water or any flour to make a paste. Now apply this gently on your face and leave it until gets dry.

Wash your face with fresh tap water.

This remedy can be used thrice a week.

Tomato juice is suitable for oily and normal skin.


Ice Cubes


How to Close Open Skin Pores Ice cubes

This is the simplest and most easy-to-use remedy.

Ice cubes work wonders in closing large open skin pores. Your skin gets tightened and looks youthful with this cooling effect.

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How to use:

Simply pick an ice cube from your deep freezer add it to a cloth and then rub it on your face for a minute or two.

You can see the vivid results.

Do this daily to maintain good skin with no more open pores.

Ice cubes are suitable for normal skin.


Aloe Vera gel


How to Close Open Skin Pores Aloe Vera gel

Aloe Vera is always a friend for almost every common health or skin issue.

Having all-in-one properties aloe Vera works wonders in closing open skin pores.

How to use:

Cut a part of fresh aloe Vera. Extract pure gel out of this. Mash it with the help of a fork and apply directly onto your skin after washing your face gently with soap or a good face wash.


Let it come dry and then wash it off.

Aloe Vera is suitable for all types of skins.


Egg white


How to Close Open Skin Pores Egg white

Egg white is said to be the most effective ingredient for skin and hair problems as it is full of protein and provides lots of health benefits even inside the body.

How to use:

Break an egg. Get out its egg white. Just apply this directly on your face with the help of a brush. Let it dry and then rinse off with a good face wash.

You can do this twice a week because eggs are not so cheap to be broken daily for the sake of beauty lol!

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 This remedy is highly suitable for oily skin.


Raw Honey


How to Close Open Skin Pores Raw Honey

Honey is an all-in-one remedy for beautiful skin. Raw honey is considered to be more effective in this regard. It’s a natural skin healer.

How to use:

Take a teaspoon of raw honey. You can find this on the market easily. Apply honey directly on your face with the help of your fingers. Spread it evenly. Let it stay for almost 30 minutes on your skin.

Wash your face then with fresh tap water.

After that, wash your face with a good face wash for normal skin. You can see the difference before and after.

Honey is suitable for all types of skin.

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