Dry Skin? Here’s How to Survive the Winter Months!

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If you’ve ever lived in an area with cold winters, you know that one of the worst things about it is dry skin. Winter weather wreaks havoc on your skin, causing it to crack, itch, and feel downright uncomfortable when you would rather be spending your time doing other things! This can be especially problematic if you have eczema or psoriasis, but there are ways to prevent dry skin from becoming a constant nuisance. Read on for tips on keeping your skin hydrated all winter long!

Invest In A Good Moisturizer


Dry Skin? Here's How to Survive the Winter Months!

Skin is one of your body’s biggest organs, and it needs a lot of TLC to stay healthy. Moisturizing is essential for all skin types, but it becomes even more crucial in winter months when environmental factors can play havoc on your skin. I’ve put together a few remedies for dry skin that are easy enough for you to keep up with during these cold winter months.

The most common ingredients for at-home remedies for dry skin are oils like jojoba oil or coconut oil which will moisturize without clogging pores or irritating sensitive skin. You can also use Aloe Vera gel if you have an aloe plant growing in your garden; just break off a leaf, remove the gel from the center, mix it with some honey (which has natural antibacterial properties), and apply it liberally over your face.

Drink Plenty Of Water

If you’re looking for a way to combat dry skin this winter, the best thing you can do is drink plenty of water. This will keep your skin hydrated and prevent it from feeling so dried out. One easy way to drink enough water is by using a water bottle and carrying it with you everywhere you go. If that sounds like too much work, try adding some fruit juices or lemon into your water instead. The sugar in these drinks will help break down the dry skin on your body and make it feel softer again.

Limit Your Time In The Shower

One of the most common ways to dry skin is by leaving it wet for too long. If you want your skin to stay moisturized, limit your time in the shower. This will help seal in moisture and leave you with a healthy glow.

Avoid Hot Water

One of the best ways to avoid dry skin during winter months is by avoiding hot water. Hot water causes your pores to close and traps moisture in your skin, which can lead to more dryness. A good way around this is by taking lukewarm showers instead.

Another important tip is wearing gloves when you’re outside; this will help protect your hands from cold air, wind, and snow which can cause a lot of dryness.

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