Beauty Tips!!

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In this post, you can see different types of beauty tips. Natural Beauty means real beauty which is in its original or inherent form. Natural beauty supports your inherent beauty. Natural beauty means you embrace your inborn magnificence and work with what you have, instead of fighting it. so let’s see different types of beauty tips.

beauty tips

1.  Beauty tips: Coffee ice cube:

To get instantly glowing skin, mix the coffee powder in boiling water, pour this into an ice tray and refrigerate it.  Massage this ice cube on your face and neck. Leave the residue to rest on the face after massaging for 5 min. And wash off with normal water. Try these remedies when you got instantly glowing skin. This is a very Amazing remedy.

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2.  Beauty tips: Rice powder:

Rice powder for the skin can be used as a rice face pack, for skin whitening, skin brightening, removing sun tan, getting rid of skin dirt that causes pimples and acne, and giving the skin an even tone. Also, rice powder for the skin can be used daily without any side effects.

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3 . Rice powder + curd + Tomato juice :

Take one tbsp of rice powder, two tbsp of curd, and one tbsp of tomato juice and mix all these ingredients to form a fine paste. Apply this mixture to the face for 15 minutes. Wash it off with water. Apply this mask 3- 4 times within one month.

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4. Saltwater :

Washing your face with salt water;

Clean skin pores from deep.

Remove the blackhead and Whitehead.

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Clear out acne and pimples.

Remove dirt, dust, and oil from the face.

Gives you healthy and glowing skin.

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5.  Papaya and honey :

For clear glowing skin, mix one tbsp of mashed papaya with one tbsp of honey. massage and let it stay for 5 minutes. Papaya contains vitamin A which helps to make skin clear and glowing. Try this remedy thrice a week for better results.

6.  Wheat flour and toothpaste:

Mix two tbsp of wheat flour with toothpaste massage it gently for two minutes then wash it off.  It has natural exfoliating properties that help to get rid of blackheads and whiteheads easily.

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That’s all about beauty tips. Try these remedies according to your skin problems and gets Amazing results.

Thanks for reading ❤️.

Photo credit – Google

By Riya Verma

Recommended3 recommendationsPublished in Health, Our Fashion Passion, Skin Care, Uncategorized