Be Your Own Muse

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To be your own muse means you inspire yourself. You see the beauty within yourself. A muse is a person who engages an artist on an intellectual, creative, and artistic level. 

It derives from Greek and Roman mythology, used to describe goddesses who preside over artistic disciplines and were an embodiment of inspiration.

“Nothing makes a woman more beautiful than the belief that she is beautiful.”

Sophia Loren

The first and the most important step to developing style is to project confidence. The confidence that is captivating, powerful, and does not fade and that endlessly more interesting than beauty. The kind of confidence that tells others that you respect yourself, love yourself, and dress up for yourself and nobody else. You are your own muse. Style comes from knowing who you are and who you want to be in the world. Confidence is the one thing that can instantly turn the volume up on a woman’s beauty. Style confidence is finding a personal style that makes you feel like your best self. Style confidence has to do with your style, but it also has to do with your relationship with fashion. 

Here is a way to improve that relationship.

Throw out what you don’t wear and what doesn’t look good on you

The first technique for dressing better is to have a clothe that fits you and make you feel good.

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Buy the right size

Don’t buy a size that doesn’t fit you so you will be going to lose weight someday. It is better to buy a realistic size and enjoy the way the clothes make you feel at that moment.


Do not buy according to the trends

If the trend is a mini dress or long satin dress and if you don’t look good on any one of them, why would you buy one? Wear what suits you and what makes you comfortable.


Don’t Copy Others Exactly or Pretend to be Someone you’re Not

Take inspiration and bring your outfits together with your unique twists, touches, and personal preferences.



Edit your closet, then edit your shopping habits, and I promise you that being stylish will become much easier. You are the goddess, so start treating yourself accordingly.

Be your own muse

By Gelila Shita

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