10 Easy Ways to Keep your Drawstring Ponytail Looking Good

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Drawstring ponytail: Quite a number of people have been requesting tips and hints on how to keep their drawstring ponytail looking all fresh and amazing throughout multiple days. The current economy is becoming quite tricky and only a few people can afford to change their hairstyles every month. For this reason, I have carried out my research on some of the best ways to maintain and keep your drawstring ponytail looking new and good.

1. Wash your hair before putting on a Drawstring ponytail:

Many of the ladies have ignored the fact that washing their hair is a key point in hygiene. Hair experts claim that washing your natural hair gets rid of dirty and oily places of the hair thus enabling your Drawstring ponytail to correctly and firmly grip your hair upon installation.

maintaining Drawstring Ponytail

2. Lenth of Drawstring ponytail:

Length is a key issue as far as hair and hair accessories are concerned. Be sure to choose the correct length of the extension and thus the extension will seem to be natural and will remain in place for a longer time.

4. How tight is the Drawstring ponytail:

If you want a long-lasting ponytail, you must make sure that it is highly connected to your natural hair. I usually advise my readers to make use of bobby pins or hair ties as they have proven to be very useful over time.

5. Make sure to moisturize your natural hair prior to:

Retaining your sassy Drawstring ponytail will require you to have a routine that ensures your natural hair is moisturized before putting the extension. This will ensure that your new hair looks fabulous and well-hydrated and will help you in preventing breakages and unnecessary damage.

sexy Drawstring Ponytail

6. Don’t heat your Drawstring ponytail:

Warmness in your hair could end up destroying the unique nature of your Drawstring ponytail. It might facilitate the loosing of shape. For this reason, ensure that you avoid warm styling equipment. Instead, you can choose a low-heat blow dryer.

7. Use of wide tooth comb:

This applies when combing your Drawstring ponytail. You need to comb it using a wide tooth comb to ensure that breakage and hair shedding are reduced.

8. Avoid direct sunlight:

Drawstring ponytail experts have advised people to wear hats to keep their artificial hair shiny for long.

9. Trimming the ends of your ponytail:

This helps to do away with any broken ends.

10. Careful detaching:

Be sure to be careful when detaching your ponytail from natural hair.


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